/* ExcelFormat.h Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Martin Fuchs License: CPOL THE WORK (AS DEFINED BELOW) IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS CODE PROJECT OPEN LICENSE ("LICENSE"). THE WORK IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. ANY USE OF THE WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENSE OR COPYRIGHT LAW IS PROHIBITED. BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED HEREIN, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. THE AUTHOR GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ACCEPT AND BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, YOU CANNOT MAKE ANY USE OF THE WORK. */ #ifndef EXCELFORMAT_H #define EXCELFORMAT_H #include "BasicExcel.hpp" namespace ExcelFormat { using namespace YExcel; #define XLS_FORMAT_GENERAL L"General" #define XLS_FORMAT_TEXT L"@" #define XLS_FORMAT_INTEGER L"0" #define XLS_FORMAT_DECIMAL L"0.00" #define XLS_FORMAT_PERCENT L"0%" #define XLS_FORMAT_DATE L"M/D/YY" #define XLS_FORMAT_TIME L"h:mm:ss" #define XLS_FORMAT_DATETIME L"M/D/YY h:mm" #define FIRST_USER_FORMAT_IDX 164 // Font option flags enum EXCEL_FONT_OPTIONS { EXCEL_FONT_BOLD = 0x01, // redundant in BIFF5-BIFF8, see ExcelFont::_weight EXCEL_FONT_ITALIC = 0x02, EXCEL_FONT_UNDERLINED = 0x04, // redundant in BIFF5-BIFF8, see ExcelFont::_underline_type EXCEL_FONT_STRUCK_OUT = 0x08, EXCEL_FONT_OUTLINED = 0x10, EXCEL_FONT_SHADOWED = 0x20, EXCEL_FONT_CONDENSED = 0x40, EXCEL_FONT_EXTENDED = 0x80 }; // Font escapement types enum EXCEL_ESCAPEMENT { EXCEL_ESCAPEMENT_NONE = 0, EXCEL_ESCAPEMENT_SUPERSCRIPT = 1, EXCEL_ESCAPEMENT_SUBSCRIPT = 2 }; // Font underline types enum EXCEL_UNDERLINE_FLAGS { EXCEL_UNDERLINE_NONE = 0x00, EXCEL_UNDERLINE_SINGLE = 0x01, EXCEL_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = 0x02, EXCEL_UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACCOUNTING = 0x21, EXCEL_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING = 0x22 }; // Excel font family constants, see also FF_DONTCARE, ... in wingdi.h enum EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY { EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY_DONTCARE = 0, EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY_ROMAN = 1, EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY_SWISS = 2, EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY_MODERN = 3, EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY_SCRIPT = 4, EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY_DECORATIVE = 5 }; struct ExcelFont { ExcelFont() : _height(200), _options(0), _color_index(0x7FFF), _weight(400), // FW_NORMAL _escapement_type(EXCEL_ESCAPEMENT_NONE), _underline_type(EXCEL_UNDERLINE_NONE), _font_family(EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY_DONTCARE), _character_set(0), // ANSI_CHARSET _name(L"Arial") { } ExcelFont(const Workbook::Font& font) : _height(font.height_), _options(font.options_), _color_index(font.colourIndex_), _weight(font.weight_), _escapement_type(font.escapementType_), _underline_type(font.underlineType_), _font_family(font.family_), _character_set(font.characterSet_), _name(wstringFromSmallString(font.name_)) { } wstring _name; short _height; // font height in twips (1/20 of a point) short _weight; // FW_NORMAL, FW_BOLD, ... short _options; // see EXCEL_FONT_OPTIONS short _color_index; // font colour index short _escapement_type; // see EXCEL_ESCAPEMENT char _underline_type; // see EXCEL_UNDERLINE_FLAGS char _font_family; // see EXCEL_FONT_FAMILY char _character_set; // ANSI_CHARSET, DEFAULT_CHARSET, SYMBOL_CHARSET, ... ExcelFont& set_height(int height) { _height = height; return *this; } ExcelFont& set_weight(int weight) { _weight = weight; return *this; } ExcelFont& set_italic(bool italic) { _options = (_options&~EXCEL_FONT_ITALIC) | (italic? EXCEL_FONT_ITALIC: 0); return *this; } ExcelFont& set_color_index(int color_idx) { _color_index = color_idx; return *this; } ExcelFont& set_underline_type(char underline_type) { _underline_type = underline_type; return *this; } ExcelFont& set_escapement(short escapement_type) { _escapement_type = escapement_type; return *this; } ExcelFont& set_font_name(const wchar_t* name) { _name = name; return *this; } bool matches(const Workbook::Font& font) const { if (wstringFromSmallString(font.name_) != _name) return false; if (font.height_ != _height) return false; if (font.weight_ != _weight) return false; if (font.options_ != _options) return false; if (font.colourIndex_ != _color_index) return false; if (font.escapementType_ != _escapement_type) return false; if (font.underlineType_ != _underline_type) return false; if (font.family_ != _font_family) return false; if (font.characterSet_ != _character_set) return false; return true; } }; struct CellFormat; // Excel cell format manager class struct XLSFormatManager { XLSFormatManager(BasicExcel& xls); const Workbook::Font& get_font(const CellFormat& fmt) const; wstring get_format_string(const CellFormat& fmt) const; const Workbook::XF& get_XF(int xf_idx) const {return _xls.workbook_.XFs_[xf_idx];} size_t get_font_idx(const ExcelFont& font); size_t get_format_idx(const wstring& fmt_str); size_t get_xf_idx(const CellFormat& fmt); private: BasicExcel& _xls; size_t _next_fmt_idx; typedef map FormatMap; typedef map FormatRevMap; FormatMap _formats; FormatRevMap _formats_rev; }; enum XF_USED_ATTRIB { XF_USED_ATTRIB_NUMBER_FORMAT = 0x01, XF_USED_ATTRIB_FONT = 0x02, XF_USED_ATTRIB_ALIGN = 0x04, // horizontal and vertical alignment, text wrap, indentation, orientation, rotation, and text direction XF_USED_ATTRIB_BORDER_LINES = 0x08, XF_USED_ATTRIB_BKGND_AREA_STYLE = 0x10, XF_USED_ATTRIB_CELL_PROTECTION = 0x20 }; /* Bit Mask Contents of alignment byte 2- 0 07H XF_HOR_ALIGN: Horizontal alignment 3 08H 1 = Text is wrapped at right border 6- 4 70H XF_VERT_ALIGN: Vertical alignment 7 80H 1 = Justify last line in justified or distibuted text */ enum EXCEL_ALIGNMENT { // horizontal aligmment EXCEL_HALIGN_GENERAL = 0x00, EXCEL_HALIGN_LEFT = 0x01, EXCEL_HALIGN_CENTRED = 0x02, EXCEL_HALIGN_RIGHT = 0x03, EXCEL_HALIGN_FILLED = 0x04, EXCEL_HALIGN_JUSITFIED = 0x05, EXCEL_HALIGN_SEL_CENTRED = 0x06, // centred across selection EXCEL_HALIGN_DISTRIBUTED = 0x07, // available in Excel 10.0 (Excel XP) and later only // vertical alignment EXCEL_VALIGN_TOP = 0x00, EXCEL_VALIGN_CENTRED = 0x10, EXCEL_VALIGN_BOTTOM = 0x20, EXCEL_VALIGN_JUSTIFIED = 0x30, EXCEL_VALIGN_DISTRIBUTED = 0x40, // available in Excel 10.0 (Excel XP) and later only EXCEL_JUSTIFY_LAST_LINE = 0x80 // justify last line in justified or distibuted text }; /* Indentation, shrink to cell size, and text direction: Bit Mask Contents 3- 0 0FH Indent level 4 10H 1 = Shrink content to fit into cell 7- 6 C0H Text direction: 0 = According to context; 1 = Left-to-right; 2 = Right-to-left */ #define MAKE_TEXT_PROPS(indent, flags) ((indent) | (flags)) enum EXCEL_TEXT_PROP_FLAGS { // shrink flag EXCEL_TEXT_PROP_SHRINK = 0x10, // text direction EXCEL_TEXT_PROP_DEFAULT = 0x00, EXCEL_TEXT_PROP_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 0x40, EXCEL_TEXT_PROP_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 0x80 }; /* Bit Mask Contents of cell border lines and background area: 3- 0 0000000FH Left line style 7- 4 000000F0H Right line style 11- 8 00000F00H Top line style 15-12 0000F000H Bottom line style 22-16 007F0000H Color index for left line colour 29-23 3F800000H Color index for right line colour 30 40000000H 1 = Diagonal line from top left to right bottom 31 80000000H 1 = Diagonal line from bottom left to right top */ #define MAKE_BORDERSTYLE(left, right, top, bottom, lcol, rcol) \ ((left) | ((right)<<4) | ((top)<<8) | ((bottom)<<12) | ((lcol)<<16) | ((rcol)<<23)) // line style constants enum EXCEL_LS { EXCEL_LS_NO_LINE = 0x00, EXCEL_LS_THIN = 0x01, EXCEL_LS_MEDIUM = 0x02, EXCEL_LS_DASHED = 0x03, EXCEL_LS_DOTTED = 0x04, EXCEL_LS_THICK = 0x05, EXCEL_LS_DOUBLE = 0x06, EXCEL_LS_HAIR = 0x07, EXCEL_LS_MEDIUM_DASHED = 0x08, EXCEL_LS_THIN_DASH_DOTTED = 0x09, EXCEL_LS_MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED = 0x0A, EXCEL_LS_THIN_DASH_DOT_DOTTED = 0x0B, EXCEL_LS_MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOTTED = 0x0C, EXCEL_LS_SLANTED_MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED = 0x0D }; // borderline flags for diagonal lines enum BORDERLINE_FLAGS { BORDERLINE_DIAG1 = 0x40000000, BORDERLINE_DIAG2 = 0x80000000 }; /* Bit Mask Contents of COLOR1 06- 0 0000007FH Color index for top line colour 13- 7 00003F80H Color index for bottom line colour 20-14 001FC000H Color index for diagonal line colour 24-21 01E00000H Diagonal line style 31-26 FC000000H Fill pattern */ #define MAKE_COLOR1(top, bottom, diag, pat) ((top) | ((bottom)<<7) | ((diag)<<14) | pat) // line style constants for COLOR1 enum COLOR1_LS { // EXCEL_LS << 21 COLOR1_LS_NO_LINE = 0x0000000, COLOR1_LS_THIN = 0x0200000, COLOR1_LS_MEDIUM = 0x0400000, COLOR1_LS_DASHED = 0x0600000, COLOR1_LS_DOTTED = 0x0800000, COLOR1_LS_THICK = 0x0A00000, COLOR1_LS_DOUBLE = 0x0C00000, COLOR1_LS_HAIR = 0x0E00000, COLOR1_LS_MEDIUM_DASHED = 0x1000000, COLOR1_LS_THIN_DASH_DOTTED = 0x1200000, COLOR1_LS_MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED = 0x1400000, COLOR1_LS_THIN_DASH_DOT_DOTTED = 0x1600000, COLOR1_LS_MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOTTED = 0x1800000, COLOR1_LS_SLANTED_MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED = 0x1A00000 }; // pattern constants enum COLOR1_PAT { COLOR1_PAT_EMPTY = 0x00000000, COLOR1_PAT_SOLID = 0x04000000, COLOR1_PAT_2 = 0x08000000, COLOR1_PAT_3 = 0x0C000000, COLOR1_PAT_4 = 0x10000000, COLOR1_PAT_5 = 0x14000000, COLOR1_PAT_6 = 0x18000000, COLOR1_PAT_7 = 0x1C000000, COLOR1_PAT_8 = 0x20000000, COLOR1_PAT_9 = 0x24000000, COLOR1_PAT_10 = 0x28000000, COLOR1_PAT_11 = 0x2C000000, COLOR1_PAT_12 = 0x30000000, COLOR1_PAT_13 = 0x34000000, COLOR1_PAT_14 = 0x38000000, COLOR1_PAT_15 = 0x3C000000, COLOR1_PAT_16 = 0x40000000, COLOR1_PAT_17 = 0x44000000, COLOR1_PAT_18 = 0x48000000 }; /* Bit Mask Contents of COLOR2 6- 0 007FH Color index for pattern colour 13- 7 3F80H Color index for pattern background */ #define MAKE_COLOR2(pc, pbc) ((pc) | ((pbc)<<7)) // predefined Excel color definitions enum EXCEL_COLORS { EGA_BLACK = 0, // 000000H EGA_WHITE = 1, // FFFFFFH EGA_RED = 2, // FF0000H EGA_GREEN = 3, // 00FF00H EGA_BLUE = 4, // 0000FFH EGA_YELLOW = 5, // FFFF00H EGA_MAGENTA = 6, // FF00FFH EGA_CYAN = 7 // 00FFFFH }; // Excel cell format struct CellFormat { CellFormat(XLSFormatManager& mgr) : _mgr(mgr) { init(); } CellFormat(XLSFormatManager& mgr, const ExcelFont& font) : _mgr(mgr) { init(); set_font(font); } CellFormat(XLSFormatManager& mgr, const Workbook::XF& xf, size_t xf_idx) : _mgr(mgr) { init(xf, xf_idx); } CellFormat(XLSFormatManager& mgr, const BasicExcelCell* cell) : _mgr(mgr) { int xf_idx = cell->GetXFormatIdx(); init(mgr.get_XF(xf_idx), xf_idx); } XLSFormatManager& get_format_manager() const { return _mgr; } // return XF index for all current attributes int get_xf_idx() const { if (_xf_idx == -1) _xf_idx = _mgr.get_xf_idx(*this); return _xf_idx; } void flush() { _xf_idx = -1; // invalidate XF index } size_t get_font_idx() const { return _font_idx; } size_t get_fmt_idx() const { return _fmt_idx; } ExcelFont get_font() { return ExcelFont(_mgr.get_font(*this)); } CellFormat& set_font(const ExcelFont& font) { _font_idx = _mgr.get_font_idx(font); flush(); return *this; } wstring get_format_string() const { return _mgr.get_format_string(*this); } CellFormat& set_format_string(const char* fmt_str) { return set_format_string(widen_string(fmt_str)); } CellFormat& set_format_string(const wstring& fmt_str) { _fmt_idx = _mgr.get_format_idx(fmt_str); flush(); return *this; } int get_color1() const { return _color1; } CellFormat& set_color1(unsigned color) { _color1 = color; flush(); return *this; } unsigned short get_color2() const { return _color2; } CellFormat& set_color2(unsigned short color) { _color2 = color; flush(); return *this; } // convenience function to set color1 and color2 at the same time CellFormat& set_background(unsigned short color2, unsigned color1=COLOR1_PAT_SOLID) { return set_color1(color1).set_color2(color2); } char get_alignment() const { return _alignment; } CellFormat& set_alignment(char alignment) { _alignment = alignment; flush(); return *this; } bool is_wrapping() { return (_alignment & 0x08)? true: false; } CellFormat& set_wrapping(bool wrap) { return set_alignment((_alignment&~0x08) | (wrap? 0x08: 0x00)); } char get_rotation() const { return _rotation; } CellFormat& set_rotation(char rotation) { _rotation = rotation; flush(); return *this; } char get_text_props() const { return _text_props; } CellFormat& set_text_props(char text_props) { _text_props = text_props; flush(); return *this; } int get_borderlines() const { return _borderlines; } CellFormat& set_borderlines(int borderlines) { _borderlines = borderlines; flush(); return *this; } // set borderlines using EXCEL_LS enumeration constants and colour indices CellFormat& set_borderlines( EXCEL_LS left, EXCEL_LS right, EXCEL_LS top, EXCEL_LS bottom, unsigned idxLclr, unsigned idxRclr ) { _borderlines = MAKE_BORDERSTYLE(left, right, top, bottom, idxLclr, idxRclr); flush(); return *this; } // set borderlines including the top and bottom colour CellFormat& set_borderlines( EXCEL_LS left, EXCEL_LS right, EXCEL_LS top, EXCEL_LS bottom, unsigned idxLclr, unsigned idxRclr, unsigned idxTclr, unsigned idxBclr, EXCEL_LS diag, // diagonal line style COLOR1_PAT pattern // fill pattern ) { _borderlines = MAKE_BORDERSTYLE(left, right, top, bottom, idxLclr, idxRclr); _color1 = MAKE_COLOR1(idxTclr, idxBclr, diag, pattern); flush(); return *this; } bool matches(const Workbook::XF& xf) const { if (xf.fontRecordIndex_ != _font_idx) return false; if (xf.formatRecordIndex_ != _fmt_idx) return false; if (xf.alignment_ != _alignment) return false; if (xf.rotation_ != _rotation) return false; if (xf.textProperties_ != _text_props) return false; if (xf.borderLines_ != _borderlines) return false; if (xf.colour1_ != _color1) return false; if (xf.colour2_ != _color2) return false; return true; } void get_xf(Workbook::XF& xf) const { xf.fontRecordIndex_ = _font_idx; xf.formatRecordIndex_ = _fmt_idx; xf.alignment_ = _alignment; xf.rotation_= _rotation; xf.textProperties_= _text_props; xf.borderLines_= _borderlines; xf.colour1_ = _color1; xf.colour2_ = _color2; } private: XLSFormatManager& _mgr; mutable int _xf_idx; // cached XF index size_t _font_idx; size_t _fmt_idx; // char _protectionType; char _alignment; // alignment and text break, see EXCEL_ALIGNMENT char _rotation; // text rotation angle in degrees char _text_props; // see MAKE_TEXT_PROPS() and EXCEL_TEXT_PROP_FLAGS // char _usedAttributes; int _borderlines; // see MAKE_BORDERSTYLE(), EXCEL_LS and BORDERLINE_FLAGS unsigned _color1; // see MAKE_COLOR1(), COLOR1_LS and COLOR1_PAT unsigned short _color2; // see MAKE_COLOR2() void init() { _font_idx = 0; _fmt_idx = 0; _alignment = EXCEL_VALIGN_BOTTOM; _rotation = 0; _text_props = MAKE_TEXT_PROPS(0, EXCEL_TEXT_PROP_DEFAULT); _borderlines = 0; _color1 = 0; _color2 = MAKE_COLOR2(64, 65); // 0x20C0 _xf_idx = 0; } void init(const Workbook::XF& xf, int xf_idx) { _font_idx = xf.fontRecordIndex_; _fmt_idx = xf.formatRecordIndex_; _alignment = xf.alignment_; _rotation = xf.rotation_; _text_props = xf.textProperties_; _borderlines = xf.borderLines_; _color1 = xf.colour1_; _color2 = xf.colour2_; _xf_idx = xf_idx; } }; } // namespace ExcelFormat namespace YExcel { inline void BasicExcelCell::SetFormat(const ExcelFormat::CellFormat& fmt) { _xf_idx = fmt.get_xf_idx(); } } #endif // EXCELFORMAT_H