// // XML storage C++ classes version 1.5 // // Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Martin Fuchs // /// \file xs-native.cpp /// native internal XMLStorage parser /* All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef XS_NO_COMMENT #define XS_NO_COMMENT // no #pragma comment(lib, ...) statements in .lib files to enable static linking #endif #include "xmlstorage.h" #if !defined(XS_USE_EXPAT) && !defined(XS_USE_XERCES) namespace XMLStorage { XMLReaderBase::~XMLReaderBase() { } /// read XML stream into XML tree below _pos void XMLReaderBase::read() { if (!parse()) { XMLError error("XML parsing error"); //error._line = ; //error._column = ; _errors.push_back(error); } finish_read(); } /// line buffer for XS-native parser ReadBuffer::ReadBuffer(XMLErrorList& errors, XMLLocation& location) : _errors(errors), _location(location) { _buffer = (char*) malloc(BUFFER_LEN); _len = BUFFER_LEN; reset(); } ReadBuffer::~ReadBuffer() { free(_buffer); } void ReadBuffer::reset() { _wptr = _buffer; _buffer_str.erase(); } void ReadBuffer::append(int c) { size_t wpos = _wptr-_buffer; if (wpos >= _len) { _len <<= 1; _buffer = (char*) realloc(_buffer, _len); _wptr = _buffer + wpos; } *_wptr++ = static_cast(c); } const std::string& ReadBuffer::str(bool utf8) // returns UTF-8 encoded buffer content { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(XS_STRING_UTF8) if (utf8) #endif _buffer_str.assign(_buffer, _wptr-_buffer); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(XS_STRING_UTF8) else _buffer_str = get_utf8(_buffer, _wptr-_buffer); #endif return _buffer_str; } size_t ReadBuffer::len() const { return _wptr - _buffer; } bool ReadBuffer::has_CDEnd() const { //if (_wptr-_buffer < 3) // return false; return !strncmp(_wptr-3, CDATA_END, 3); } XS_String ReadBuffer::get_tag() const { const char* p = _buffer_str.c_str(); if (*p == '<') ++p; if (*p == '/') ++p; const char* q = p; if (*q == '?') ++q; q = get_xmlsym_end_utf8(q); #ifdef XS_STRING_UTF8 return XS_String(p, q-p); #else return from_utf8(p, q-p); #endif } /// read attributes and values void ReadBuffer::get_attributes(XMLNode::AttributeMap& attributes) const { const char* p = _buffer_str.c_str(); // find end of tag name if (*p == '<') ++p; if (*p == '/') ++p; else if (*p == '?') ++p; p = get_xmlsym_end_utf8(p); // read attributes from buffer while(*p && *p!='>' && *p!='/') { while(isspace((unsigned char)*p)) ++p; if (*p=='?' || *p=='/') break; const char* attr_name = p; p = get_xmlsym_end_utf8(p); if (*p != '=') { _errors.push_back(XMLError(_location, "missing attribute assignment")); break; } size_t attr_len = p - attr_name; if (*++p!='"' && *p!='\'') { _errors.push_back(XMLError(_location, "missing attribute value quote")); break; } char delim = *p; const char* value = ++p; while(*p && *p!=delim) ++p; size_t value_len = p - value; if (*p) ++p; // '"' oder '\'' else _errors.push_back(XMLError(_location, "unterminated attribute quote")); #ifdef XS_STRING_UTF8 XS_String name_str(attr_name, attr_len); #else XS_String name_str; assign_utf8(name_str, attr_name, attr_len); #endif attributes[name_str] = DecodeXMLString(std::string(value, value_len)); } } ParseContext::ParseContext(XMLReaderBase& reader) : _reader(reader), _buffer(reader._errors, reader._location), _utf8(false) { _next = reader.get(); _in_comment = false; // check for UTF-8 signature read_bom(); } void ParseContext::read_bom() { if (_next == 0xEF) { _next = _reader.get(); if (_next == 0xBB) { _next = _reader.get(); if (_next == 0xBF) { _utf8 = true; _reader._format._utf8_bom = true; _next = _reader.get(); } } } } bool ParseContext::proceed() { if (_next != EOF) _next = process_next(_next); return _next != EOF; } int ParseContext::process_next(int c) { if (_in_comment || c=='<') { if (!_buffer.empty()) _buffer.reset(); _buffer.append(c); // read start or end tag for(;;) { c = _reader.get(); if (c == EOF) break; _buffer.append(c); if (c == '>') break; } const std::string& b = _buffer.str(_utf8); const char* str = b.c_str(); if (_in_comment || !strncmp(str+1, "!--", 3)) { // XML comment _reader.DefaultHandler(b); if (strcmp(str+b.length()-3, "-->")) _in_comment = true; else _in_comment = false; c = _reader.get(); } else if (str[1] == '/') { // end tag /*@TODO error handling const XS_String& tag = buffer.get_tag(); if (tag != last_opened_tag) { ERROR } */ _reader.EndElementHandler(); c = _reader.get(); } else if (str[1] == '?') { // XML declaration const XS_String& tag = _buffer.get_tag(); if (tag == "?xml") { XMLNode::AttributeMap attributes; _buffer.get_attributes(attributes); const std::string& version = attributes.get("version"); const std::string& encoding = attributes.get("encoding"); int standalone; XMLNode::AttributeMap::const_iterator found = // const_cast for ISO C++ compatibility error of GCC const_cast(attributes).find("standalone"); if (found != attributes.end()) standalone = !XS_icmp(found->second.c_str(), XS_TEXT("yes")); else standalone = -1; _reader.XmlDeclHandler(version.empty()?NULL:version.c_str(), encoding.empty()?NULL:encoding.c_str(), standalone); if (!encoding.empty()) { if (!_stricmp(encoding.c_str(), "utf-8")) _utf8 = true; else assert(!_reader._format._utf8_bom); // mismatch between BOM and xml header } c = _reader.eat_endl(); } else if (tag == "?xml-stylesheet") { XMLNode::AttributeMap attributes; _buffer.get_attributes(attributes); StyleSheet stylesheet(attributes.get("href"), attributes.get("type"), !XS_icmp(attributes.get("alternate"), XS_TEXT("yes"))); stylesheet._title = attributes.get("title"); stylesheet._media = attributes.get("media"); stylesheet._charset = attributes.get("charset"); _reader._format._stylesheets.push_back(stylesheet); c = _reader.eat_endl(); } else { _reader.DefaultHandler(b); c = _reader.get(); } } else if (str[1] == '!') { if (!strncmp(str+2, "DOCTYPE ", 8)) { _reader._format._doctype.parse(str+10); c = _reader.eat_endl(); } else if (!strncmp(str+2, "[CDATA[", 7)) { // see CDATA_START // parse strings while(!_buffer.has_CDEnd()) { c = _reader.get(); if (c == EOF) break; _buffer.append(c); } _reader.DefaultHandler(_buffer.str(_utf8)); c = _reader.get(); } } else { // start tag const XS_String& tag = _buffer.get_tag(); if (!tag.empty()) { XMLNode::AttributeMap attributes; _buffer.get_attributes(attributes); _reader.StartElementHandler(tag, attributes); if (str[b.length()-2] == '/') _reader.EndElementHandler(); } c = _reader.get(); } } else { // in_comment || c=='<' _buffer.append(c); // read white space for(;;) { // check for the encoding of the first line end if (!_reader._endl_defined) { if (c == '\n') { _reader._format._endl = "\n"; _reader._endl_defined = true; } else if (c == '\r') { _reader._format._endl = "\r\n"; _reader._endl_defined = true; } } c = _reader.get(); if (c == EOF) break; if (c == '<') break; _buffer.append(c); } _reader.DefaultHandler(_buffer.str(_utf8)); } _buffer.reset(); return c; } bool XMLReaderBase::parse() { ParseContext ctx(*this); while(ctx.proceed()) { } return true; //TODO return false on invalid XML } int XMLReaderBase::eat_endl() { int c = get(); if (c == '\r') c = get(); if (c == '\n') c = get(); return c; } /// store content, white space and comments void XMLReaderBase::DefaultHandler(const std::string& s) { _content.append(s); } } // namespace XMLStorage #endif // !defined(XS_USE_EXPAT) && !defined(XS_USE_XERCES)