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Key: CASTOR-1412
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Closed Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Martin Fuchs
Reporter: Martin Fuchs
Votes: 0
Watchers: 1

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remove dependency to adaptx from the documentation build step

Created: 26/Apr/06 03:59 PM   Updated: 08/Jun/06 03:36 PM
Component/s: General
Affects Version/s: 1.0
Fix Version/s: None

Time Tracking:
Not Specified

File Attachments: 1. Text File castor-1412-buildscript.patch (1 kb)
2. Text File castor-xsl-doc.patch (3 kb)

 Description  « Hide
Until now the "ant doc" build step needed the adaptx and xerces libraries to transform the XML documentation into HTML pages.
In order to remove this dependencies we should replace the JakartaAntAdapter XSLT processor of Adaptx by the standard Java 1.4 XSLT processor.
The attached patch switches the build.xml file to this XSLT processor and modifies the XML documentation source to be compatible to it.

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Werner Guttmann - 26/Apr/06 04:14 PM
I assume that we don't need any new JARs or similar as everything is part of the JDK/JRE already, rigt ?

Martin Fuchs - 26/Apr/06 04:19 PM
Yes, all you need is a JDK version >= 1.4. Then the "ant doc" command works without any predefined CLASSPATH - you even don't need to use the build.bat/sh script any more.

Werner Guttmann - 27/Apr/06 02:58 AM
Martin, do we know what other dependencies we have towards AdaptX, not that we have removed it in one place ?

Martin Fuchs - 27/Apr/06 03:16 AM
I am not sure. You know the project much better than me.
Ralf, do you have any further comments on this? What exactly is used from adaptx for the test framework?

Ralf Joachim - 27/Apr/06 04:32 PM
I also do not know more on this but I'm have tried to remove adaptx.jar from classpath and that should me compile time dependencies in examples and xml tests framework Having said that there may be additional runtime dependecies that I'm not aware off.

Werner Guttmann - 02/May/06 04:28 PM
Martin, any idea why I get the following exception when executing the 'build doc' taks from a command line under Windows XP, JDK 1.4.2_08 ?

C:\workspace\castor101\src\build.xml:547: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.

Martin Fuchs - 04/May/06 03:39 PM
Sorry, my fault: We need one additional ANT JAR file with the TRAX transformation code. I used an external ANT installation in my ANT_HOME environment variable. That way I didn't see the error you mentioned.
The attached patch inserts the new JAR into build.bat ant build.sh. I will also commit the new ant-1.6-trax.jar file in the lib directory.

Martin Fuchs - 04/May/06 03:43 PM
Just committed the missing file and added it to the build scripts.

Werner Guttmann - 05/May/06 02:05 AM